☞Application for Background Check Certificate(International delivery).pdf
☞Application for Background Check Certificate(office visitor only).pdf
1. Required documents
○A completed and signed application form (Please see the attached file)
○One passport photo (3x4cm) taken within the recent 6 months, against a white backgroud
○Your valid original passport and a photocopy of the passport (personal data page)
○Alien registration card or a copy of the card. (If you do not have this anymore, please write down the Alien registration number on the application form)
○A self-addressed express post envelope (only if you can not pick up the certificate from our office)
2. Estimated Processing Time : 7 working days (excluding post-mail delivery time)
* All the forms must be completed in handwriting
1. Required documents
○A completed and signed application form (Please see the attached file)
○One passport photo (3x4cm) taken within the recent 6 months, against a white backgroud
○A photocopy of your passport (personal data page)
○Fingerprints identification (Please see the attached file)
※ You need to complete fingerprint identification at the local police office.
※ Please contact your local police office to make an appointment.
Please enclose a prepaid courier satchel or receipt of an international courier service (eg, DHL FedEx etc.) to get your certificate from the Korean National Police Agency once it's issued.
2. Mailing address: The Korean National Police Agency (Criminal Records Certificate), 97 Tongil-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea, Postcode: 03739
3. Processing time: approximately 4-5 weeks (excluding delivery time)
●Address: Level 1, 102 Adelaide St, Brisbane City, QLD 4000
●Phone: 07-3221-1440
●Homepage: Consular Office of the Republic of Korea in Brisbane (mofa.go.kr)
●E-mail: brisbane@korea..kr
●Level 10, 44 Market St, Sydney, NSW 2000
●Homepage: Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Sydney (mofa.go.kr)
●Phone: 02-9210-0200
●E-mail: sydney@mofa.go.kr
●113 Empire Circuit, Yarralumra, ACT 2600
●Homepage: Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Commonwealth of Australia (mofa.go.kr)
●Phone: 02-6270-4100
●E-mail: visa-au@mofa.go.kr
●Level 10, 636 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, VIC 3004
●Homepage: Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Melbourne (mofa.go.kr)
●Phone: 03-9533-3803, 3804
●E-mail: conmel@mofa.go.kr